Tag: memphis.dev
This section describes Memphis’ architecture
— description: This section describes Memphis’architecture — # Architecture ### Connectivity Diagram Memphis deployment comprised four components: **1.** UI – The dashboard of Memphis. **2.** Broker – Messaging Queue. Memphis broker is a fork of [NATS.io](http://nats.io/), which is an existing and battle-tested messaging queue with Memphis improvements and tunings. **3.** MongoDB – Only for UI…
This section describes Memphis’ architecture
— description: This section describes Memphis’architecture — # Architecture ### Connectivity Diagram Memphis deployment comprised four components: **1.** UI – The dashboard of Memphis. **2.** Broker – Messaging Queue. Memphis broker is a fork of [NATS.io](http://nats.io/), which is an existing and battle-tested messaging queue with Memphis improvements and tunings. **3.** MongoDB – Only for UI…