Portfolio analytics is a key component in investment management. It helps managers in analyzing returns and risk for their clients and help them make informed decisions about their investments. But analyzing portfolio is no small task. It involves a lot of processes like attribution, performance benchmarking, risk management, portfolio slice and dice, and more.
To make their job easier, these investment managers need intelligent and reliable technology solutions that not only take the burden off their shoulders but also gets the analytics done faster. These solutions help reduce human error by automating the whole process of analysis and leveraging the ability of artificial intelligence to find in-depth insights for more informed recommendations.
ValueAT is one such Investment Management Solution.
Designed for the ease of managers and their clients, ValueAT makes portfolio analytics more accessible and more comprehensible.
Below are a few other ways ValueAT simplifies portfolio analytics:
Simplified Data Results
It analyzes the complex data, both real-time and historical, and presents it to the clients on their user dashboards with enriched visualization and simplified attraction. This makes it easier for the investment managers to inform the clients about the possible risks and the returns.
Saves Time
It takes only seconds to analyze data and present recommendations. It takes up to weeks for a human to do that because of the sheer amount of work that it is. It saves time and helps capitalize on the opportunities that open in the market.
With its goal-based approach to the advisory, all recommendations made by ValueAT are customized for the goals set by the clients. Since every individual or entity has their own set of goals to achieve, no two clients have the same recommendations. It is programmed this way to provide highly accurate and relevant recommendations to the clients and support their investment goals.
ValueAT automates complex research, investment planning, and portfolio monitoring to enable investment managers, fund managers, performance analysts, risk analysts, and compliance managers to provide an uberized user experience to their clients. It has different formats of the portfolio for Analysts, Fund Managers, and CXOs with different approaches for these people.
Always Ready
The ValueAT system is always ready, which helps avoid delays and dependencies.
Being flexible helps ValueAT support different models for asset classes and styles enabling it to handle multi-currency and multi-asset portfolios, with ease.
If you are an investment manager looking for a technology solution, you can find out more about ValueAT here: Software for wealth managers .
Or you can contact Valuefy and get a solution that best suits your needs.
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